

Thursday, March 11, 2010

ON ThE SuBjecT Of LoVE..

A blogger fan of mine requested for new postings and I thought why not. Feel like talking about LOVE tonight ...

I've come to discover that love is a strange feeling and it can be one of the most amazing kind of feeling on earth. I've also found out that love can be blissful and there are times when they can really hurt. When in love, I find that logic or reasonable thinking tends to take a backseat; we either trust our intuition or listen to our heart. At least this is the way it is for me lah..

But even being in love does not necessarily means we will be in a state of euphoria or happiness all the time. There are times in certain circumstances where conflicting ideas or emotions arise.

I also learned that in loving a partner, it usually involves different stages of the process; eg. commitment, trust and fidelity. We should work on every stage and strive to get better together - don't you think don't so?

Anyway, how do we know that we really love a person or that she's the one for us?

I think when you love a person, you accept them as a whole. For love shouldn't be just about loving parts of them that we like, but choosing to love them overall. Coz if we face challenges in accepting their imperfections, then maybe the relationship isn't as strong as it should be?

Would we risk just about everything we have to be with the person we claimed to love? Do we love unconditionally? If we can't love another person without attaching stipulations, then perhaps it is not love after all?

For when you really love some one won't you want to improve that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, and not who you want them to be?

All these are part of my humble discoveries of what love is...perhaps you'll ponder on the subject and tell me more?

Anyway, being the hopeless romantic that I am, I believe love is something most of us, if not all of us, will want to encounter during certain stages of our life.

I end this post with a beautiful poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Hope you'll find delight in the profound manner in which she expresses her love:

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach,
when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of every day's most quiet need,
by sun and candlelight.

I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love with a passion put to use in my old griefs,
and with my childhood's faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints,
I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life!
and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

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