

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When Enough Is Enough!

My beloved country Malaysia is currently making world news again. I would have been proud if it's to mark some major milestones or achievements garnered by our people.

Sadly this is not the case. People the world over are yet again witnessing how the government of my beloved Malaysia is oppressing it's people for their want of a clean and fair election and an end to dirty politics. What we Malaysians want all these while is a better future for it's people.

The recent Bersih 2.0 rally (9th July 2011) organised by a coalition of Malaysian opposition political parties and NGOs saw tens of thousands of Malaysians leaving the comforts of their home and risking getting arrested, facing police brutality, a possible stampede, being shot at with tear gas, water canons and baton charges etc, etc. For you see, Bersih is deemed illegal just because someboday said so. Nevermind that the objective of it's campaign is for a noble cause and in the interest of a brighter future for all Malaysians.

I think overall people have been patient enough and now enough is enough! As Thomas Jefferson, one of the drafters of the US Declaration of Independence, said: “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

People want to see positive changes and whether the government like it or not, it is high time they step down from their high horses and discard their holier than thou attitude.

I personally see the high handed way our government handled this historic turn of even as a blessing in disguise. For the Bersih movement appears to have successfully rang the wake up call for all Malaysians regardless of race, decree and beliefs to stand united and in doing so, achieved something more monumental than Najib’s hollow 1Malaysia slogan ever will.

I am now beginning to see a ray of hope for Malaysia and it's people and with every account of personal experience shared by these self sacrificing Malaysians, I know we are gaining strength! There's still hope for us!

To share the sentiment of one 'accidental' participant, I include below an account of his story:

p/s - do not let the sacrifices demonstrated by our brave fellow Malaysians go to naught and be in vain!  exercise your right in the next GE!!

A slap in the face for our arrogant PM during his recent visit to UK...

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