

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In The Wake of A Japanese Tsunami ~ The Steely Spirit and Gentle Resilience

I read with shock and disbelieve of the recent catastrophe that struck Japan.  The massive loss of lives and destructions.  And even as I am writing this post in the comfort of my home the disaster's massive impact was only beginning to be revealed.
It's hard to think of anything else these days when news about Japan is unfolding everyday.  What has happened and what might happen next.
Below is an article and update which I got from the numerous reports about the fate of our neighbouring country.  I am sad to note that while the nation is still grappling with it's national crisis, there are some insensitive parties actually celebrating Japan's misfotunes.  To each his own I supposed.
While the above may be the sentiment of the people now as posted by the foreign paper, I strongly believe that while nobody in Japan remains untouched by this living nightmare and many a hearts are broken but never it's spirit.  It will take years, even generations for Japan to recover from this tragedy.
As Honda, Toyota, Sony and Nissan stop production, I read lot about the fragility of the Japanese economy.  But there is a collective spirit in Japan.  There is a sense of national unity that has not existed even in my home country.

Japan is suffering the way a nation suffers at the end of a losing war.  And yet, even as they stare bewildered at all that destruction, and even as they mourn the dead and search for the missing, they still have their pride, and their decency, and their humanity. They are still unmistakably Japanese.

They queue politely and patiently for water, blankets, rice. They speak to each other with total civility – a level of civilisation that does not exist anywhere else on the planet. And they are brave – in their quiet, understated, mild-mannered way they are brave the way that we have been brave in our darkest days.

Gambatte Japan, you're not alone in this.  God bless the people of Japan.

1 comment:

Lrong Lim said...

Greetings from Japan... thank you very much for coming by my blog to offer condolences with regards to the earthquake... appreciated it a lot...